James Mumba

Age Range: 20 - 29


  • Acting
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Voice Over
  • Hosting (MC)

James Mumba is a versatile performer with skills in acting, dancing, singing, voice over, and hosting. He is a talented actor who can bring depth and authenticity to his roles and captivate audiences with his stage presence. As a dancer, he moves with grace and energy, while his singing performances showcase his powerful and soulful voice. James is also a skilled voice over artist, able to lend his voice to a variety of projects, and an engaging host or MC who can keep audiences entertained and events running smoothly. Overall, James is a dynamic and professional performer who is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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Age Range: 16 - 18


  • Modeling
  • Dancing
  • Hosting (MC)

Renesther is a teen pageant and commercial model 

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